Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Who's the Cougar?

MJ has invented a new game, and things it's the best thing ever. It started with her pretending to be a cougar and chasing us around while growling. Over time, it evolved.

Now she'll say, "Oh no! ________ is the cougar!" Like, "Oh no! Sweet Pea is the cougar!" And run way from Sweet Pea. Or "Oh no, Daddy! You the cougar!" And run squealing expecting him to chase her.

Version three goes something like this: MJ will say, "Who's the cougar?" And we have to guess. Is it Mommy? No. Is it Georgie? No. Is it Nana? Last night in the tub, Mimi was the cougar. We have have to squeal and run around saying, "Oh no! Mimi is the cougar!" Mimi wasn't even there to chase us, but it was still fun!

What a goof.


Bird's Eye View Photography said...

Awe! So creative...

Jenn said...

Hilarious! Where do they come up with these things?