Monday, June 15, 2009

Does She Know?

Lots of people ask me if MJ knows that she's going to have a baby sister. Yes, she most definitely does. Does she understand everything that means? Probably not.

She will tell anyone who will listen that she has a baby sister in Mommy's belly. Want to see pictures? She'll show you the ones from the ultrasound that are displayed on the refrigerator (Dis baby sister's foot. Dis baby sister's head). She'll tell you that baby sister is coming out after her birthday, and that she's going to help Mommy take care of her. Some days, she'll tell me she wants baby sister to come out now. Once, I told her that baby sister wasn't ready, and her reply was, "Marlee ready."

We see tiny babies out and about and she says, "Marlee have a baby sister after my birthday." She gets it. Well, except we had cake last night and she told me it was her birthday. Almost.

I love seeing her get excited about it...I just wish there was some way to prepare her for the fact that her life is going to change drastically. We read the books and we talk about it, but I know that part is not sinking in. I'm promising myself that I will make lots of time for just Marlee. I'm lucky to be married to a very hands-on dad who can take over baby duty and free me up for my big baby. Because after all, she's still a baby. I sometimes get lost in all the things she can do, how well she communicates...I forget she's not even two. She's still my baby. Okay, now I'm weepy. Darn hormones.


Bird's Eye View Photography said...

Oh I so worried about this with Henry..... and it was all for nothing. He stepped up to the plate and LOVED being abig brother. There was NEVER a moment of jealousy. I always make sure (still) to have alone time with both the boys. You will fall into the right pattern for you guys and it will be like you always had two kids!

Anonymous said...

It is going to be a long month between Marlee's birthday and Slim's arrival!

Grandpa, soon to be X 3