Monday, March 30, 2009

Farewell, First Trimester

Today is the last day of my first trimester.  Good Riddance!  This pregnancy has been so much harder.   At first, I was terribly sick.  Once I figured out that it was mostly due to a medication I was taking, that part got slightly better.  I'm still sick on occasion, but nothing like a month ago.  The fatigue is worse too, probably because I have a toddler to chase around.  I think the worst part, though, is my blood pressure.  I have low-ish BP to begin with, and it gets even lower when I'm pregnant.  With Marlee, it didn't get too terrible until the last month or so when I couldn't stand for long without feeling faint--or worse, actually fainting.  The week before Marlee was born, I actually did my grocery shopping on one of those motorized scooters. :)  This time around, I'm already feeling the effects of my low blood pressure.  I know some tricks that help, so I'm hoping I can keep it in check...otherwise it's going to be a very long six months.

"They" say moms-to-be start feeling better in the second trimester...I hope that's the case for me!

End of whine.


Anonymous said...

Congrats on reaching the end of the 1st trimester! I hope you do start feeling better soon

Bird's Eye View Photography said...

I hope so too! Here's to the second trimester and feeling better!!

Melissa said...

Oye. I was wondering how you were feeling yesterday.

It's not often that I wish someone higher BP....

Jennifer said...

how did i never know that you've ridden a rascal at the grocery store?!? LOL!!!

Christine said...

Hope you start feeling better soon! :)