Jenna and I went to see the Lion King musical last night. I've never met a musical I didn't like (okay, one), but I was not prepared for how AMAZING this show is. Within 10 seconds (no exaggeration) I had goosebumps. My eyes were teary during the opening number, just from the sheer power and beauty of it. The creative minds behind the show are no less than genius. The sets, costumes, choreography, puppets, effects...blew.my.mind. Oh yeah, I guess music and book were decent too! ;) I simply cannot find words at the moment to really do this show any justice. Here are some pictures for an idea, but--- Please, GO SEE IT.
(Side note for Pam Heath: Thank you so very much for the tickets! The seats were wonderful, and The Lion King was an experience I'll never forget!)
I went to see it a couple of years ago and loved it too! I talked Brian into going this year even though he didn't really have any interest. I told him that he was going to have to trust me on this one, and go anyway. I know that he'll enjoy it. We're going on the 26th, and I can't wait!
I saw it in NY when I lived there and I cried during the opening number. I thought I was silly, but so many people have said the same thing. It's really powerful and you can't explain why.
On a baby note, I checked out the video of MJ crawling. What a cutie!!!
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