Monday, March 10, 2008

Smart Kid!

Caution: Proud Parent Bragging Below

Marlee and I went to the pediatrician today to discuss her eating habits. If you'll recall, the advice at her 6 month check up was to give her more food. The result was that she loved the food, but nursed less. This concerned me as everything I read says 6 monthers should nurse five times a day. Turns out I should stop reading this stuff as Marlee is not a average 6 monther. Some fine motor tests (can she put a cheerio in her mouth and chew it up? yes and yum. turn the pages of a book? yup.) and cognitive tests (which bowl is the toy under? that one! "Hi Marlee...Hi Marlee." "Haaaaaaaaaai!") reveal that she is on par with most 9 month olds. They've taken that to mean that her curiosities about food and ability to eat solids is about that level as well (could've told them that...see sausage incident below!). Apparently since solids are her future, we should just let her go there early if she wants. Cereal and the milk I use to make it, combined with nursing just three times a day, is fine for Marlee. They also said I can start table foods in about three weeks and predict she'll be on all table foods and nursing twice before she's 9 months. We'll see! I called my lactation consultant and confirmed all of this...she says it's rare, but happens, and if they did the "testing" to back it up, she's good to go!

I was sooooooo stressed out over nothing.


Anonymous said...

I'm so proud of her!

Melissa said...

Yea! If the LC is on board then go for it!

But don't be surprised if she still has some marathon sessions...