Monday, March 17, 2008

About the Parents

I intended to use this blog as a way to keep everyone informed of the goings-on of all three of us, but, of course, it's much more fun to talk about Marlee! She has news everyday, while our lives are the same old stuff for the most part.

Michael and his compadres continue to develop "Dark Frontiers," their massively multiplayer online role-playing game (or MMORPG for those in the know). I have to admit, it's pretty cool. The concept is original, the story is fun, and I'm impressed with what these guys are capable of. They've made some progress toward getting the funding they need to finish development and get some players. Hopefully their big break will come soon. In the meantime, he continues to work for RM.

Staying home with Marlee has been wonderful. It's funny how much a baby can change who you are. Maybe it's not a change so much as a realization. I don't know. I'm just much more at peace with myself and my role in this crazy world.

This past weekend, I completed training and officially became a doula! Marlee's birthday was the most awesome day of my life, and I'm really excited to help other women have their own amazing births. I'm also going to be teaching classes and providing postpartum and lactation support. I'm hoping to be certified by DONA Intl. in the near future. In order to do that, I have to attend three births... so now I'm on the hunt for moms-to-be!

So there's a little bit of news about us. We're both working on ways to make doing what we love a full time reality. Oh, and we we got a good night's sleep last night! :)


Bird's Eye View Photography said...

I think that you are going to be an excellent Doula. You are a very kind gentle person and people and drawn to you. What a bonus that you will be doing something that you love and get paid for it! Not many people are able to do that.

Mindy said...

Wow! That's amazing that you are going to be a Doula. I think that you would be fantastic at it!! That's so wonderful. You will have to keep us informed on your path.

Also, yea to Michael!

What amazing role models Marlee has... two parents going after the things they really care about!