Friday, January 18, 2008

Sitting Up!

Today Marlee figured out how to sit up! She's been leaning on her hands for a few weeks, but today she started letting go. She can support herself for a while, then uses her hands to regain balance when she gets tired. Of course, by the time I thought of getting the camera, it had been a few minutes and she was wearing out, so these aren't the best pictures. Sadly, I think I'm excited most about putting her in a restaurant high chair and shopping cart. This will make my life so much easier! She'll be happier too...she gets frustrated having to be in her infant seat when we go out to eat...she'd much rather be part of the party!

Reaching for my doll...



Anonymous said...

OMGOSH I've never met her, but I'm in love!!! I can't wait to see you all in February!!! I miss you bunches Renee!!! I'm SO excited!!!

Cousin Sara

Melissa said...

Hey hon! I have misplaced your fancy new email address, but FYI, we've dropped our home line- if you need to call us, you gotta go cell phone!

BTW, Marlee gives me baby fever.

Bird's Eye View Photography said...

oh my lord. So cute!