Thursday, January 10, 2008

New Attitude

On a lighter note, Marlee seems to have developed a bit of an attitude. This morning she wanted something and literally WHINED until she got it. We've been working on sign language for a couple of months now, so hopefully that will kick in soon. Later she was at school playing in the exersaucer, happy as a clam. I went in to give her a kiss, and she pitched a fit when I left. I said goodbye and closed the door, peeked through the window, and she was FINE. The fit was totally for my benefit. Here we go!

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Wow! I thought that stuff was a little bit further away than that. I like to use Marlee's updates as a peek into my future to see what challenges & joys lay ahead. I was really hoping that this wasn't one wasn't quite so soon.