Friday, January 11, 2008


My dad was doing better last night. I brought Alexander and Jenna to see him, and he talked with all of us for a while. For the first time, the majority of what he said made sense. It still takes a great deal of effort to talk, but he wants to. He asked me to bring pictures of Marlee and grinned when he saw them. I can tell he's coming back.

We got a call around 3 am (poor Wendy about had a heart attack when the phone rang) telling us that they moved him out of ICU. This shocked us because just yesterday they told us he'd be in ICU until Sunday. We are taking this as a very good sign!

Thank you so much for all the thoughts and prayers. It means so much that we've had all of you supporting us through this horrible week.


Jenn said...

I'm so glad to hear the good news! I'm sure that was a big relief to have him talking again, even if it was strained. Was he aware of what had happened, or did you have to fill him in?

Anonymous said...

I am so glad to hear that he's getting better- I was really worried. :)

~Sissy Teeny

Bird's Eye View Photography said...

oh thank goodness!

Anonymous said...


We are so glad to hear that your dad is on the upswing. Bad events like his are earth shaking. We know you are relieved to see him improving more quickly than anticipated. You are in our thoughts.
Take care,
Love,The McIlwains