Sunday, January 13, 2008

He's Back!!!

We all went to visit my dad yesterday, and he's completely "back," mentally speaking. He doesn't remember Sunday-Friday but seems to have woken up Saturday morning. He also got to have some broth and juice, which probably tasted like a steak dinner to someone who hasn't eaten in 6 days. All tubes are out with the exception of a little extra oxygen--it's tough for him to breathe deeply with all the abdominal pain. He got up and walked around a bit and was laughing as we told him some of the crazy things he said. He held Marlee and got a kiss, the best medicine! We were all a bit's so great to have him back! Doctors say he'll be home soon, but he's on bed and tummy rest for a few weeks. That means the real steak dinner will have to wait :)

Thanks again and again for the prayers.


Mindy said...

That's so wonderful to hear! Yea!

Jenn said...

Wonderful!!! I'm so glad to hear the good news.

Bird's Eye View Photography said...

wonderful wonderful news! So glad that he is on the upswing!