Sunday, October 7, 2007

Separation Anxiety

Saturday night I did it. We left Marlee with my mom (and Alex and Jenna) and went to see a movie. We attempted this last weekend, but I couldn't bring myself to leave. MJ is going through a fussy evenings phase, and I hated the thought of not being there to comfort her. It had nothing to do with my mom's ability to take care of her, and everything to do with my ability to be away from her. I knew that the day was going to come, and figured it would hurt whether it was sooner or later, so might as well get it over with.

We saw The Heartbreak Kid, which I found to be disappointing and even offensive at times. I can't believe I left her to see a movie I didn't even like! It served it purpose of distracting me though. I only left the movie once to call and check on Marlee. I did shed a couple tears on the way home, desperately missing my baby.

As hard as it was, I'm glad to have gotten that first time over with. I think it will get easier each time...not that I'm planning on doing it again soon :)


Mandi said...

We just left Jackson with my parents to see The Heartbreak Kid too...I was disappointed as well!

Bird's Eye View Photography said...

Well- I will not be seeing the heartbreak kid I geuss! It is tough leaving kids for the first time-- I am glad you did it with your mom though... I am sure that made it a tad bit easier!

Melissa said...

Hug. It gets easier (somedays) and then you'll get days where you wonder how anyone can bear to be without their child for 5 minutes. (This day is followed immediately by the day where you are begging for the chance just to pee by yourself.)