Wednesday, April 21, 2010

A Weezy First

I feel like I have been terrible about documenting Eloise's "firsts." More often then not, by the time I recognize something as new, I realize she's been doing it for a while, and I have no idea when it officially started. I feel terrible about this. I could tell you the date, and probably whether it was morning or afternoon, of each and every one of Marlee's baby accomplishments with one quick check of the baby book. Eloise? Not so much.

But I got this one! Yesterday afternoon, Eloise was lying on her belly and sat herself up for the first time! Around the same time, she crawled forward with a bit more coordination than previously demonstrated. I'm not going to say she's officially crawling, but it's coming, and soon. Go Weezy!

1 comment:

Bird's Eye View Photography said...

Don't feel badly... That is what happens when you have more then 1 kid to document...

Yay E!