Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Precautions (or Paranoia)

It took me a couple of weeks, but I've finally taught Marlee all of our names. She knows her name is Marlee June W****, Mommy is Renee W****, and Daddy is Michael W****. My main reason for teaching her is so that she can answer those questions if she ever (God Forbid) gets separated from us.

She also knows she should find a mommy with kids if she can't find her mommy or daddy (I figure that's easier than finding a police officer). It's horribly scary to think about, but I personally have found five (!!!) lost kids in my adult lifetime (cruise ship, airport, 3 in the mall). It happens.

I feel like it's important for kids to know these things as soon as they're young enough to understand. We're headed to Disney World in a few months, and it's such a comfort to me that she knows what to do if we get separated. She will also have a card on her with our cell numbers. Do any other moms of toddlers do this? Maybe I'm just paranoid. ;)

On a similar note, I feel so lucky that she doesn't have a tendency to wander. Before I was a parent, I used to scoff at those child leash things. Add that to the list of things I thought I knew about parenting. I don't see a need for one with my child, but if I had a wanderer, I wouldn't hesitate for a second. What do you think of them?


Dell (Nana/"Nanny") said...

Get a leash for your own peace of mind even if you don't use it. I did when I had to fly (by myself)with Kathryn (age 3)& Michael (age 2). Another safety tip from a former FBI profiler - teach a "safety word" so that if a child is abducted & is able or allowed to call, you get the distress or emergency alert. It's a scary world & not easy to think about.

Lori said...

You are not paranoid! That is smart!

I said the same thing about those backpack leashes. I've now learned to never say never! If I knew I was going to be in a super crowded place, I would probably buy one and take it with me if she refused to stay in her stroller or hold my hand!

Bird's Eye View Photography said...

I agree. My children don't wander... um strike that my oldest doesn't, Sam on the other hand likes to run... we have lost track of him a couple times... for about a 3 second period (it stops time, my heart and the world from spinning)

I still am not ready to buy a kid leash. But, Sam knows all the pertinant info about himself, us and where he lives.

Christine said...

My parents had a wrist leash for Mitch when he was little because he would bolt the first chance he'd get!!! :) And that was 20 years ago when NO one had one, imagine the looks my poor mom got! :)

Melissa said...

I'll send you the puppy backpack leash thing I got for the airport if you want it. We didn't use it, and I don't forsee using it any time soon. J's not really a "roamer"- except at Walmart or Target.

When I worked at the stadium I found more lost kids than I care to remember. (and I'd say a good 75% of the time the parents didn't even know they were gone) It amazed me that kids would not have their tickets on them. (we're talking 8/9/10 year olds) I did, once, have a dad ask to borrow a sharpie and he wrote his section/seat number on his kid's hand. (Kid was maybe 5) And told his kid that if they got separated, he was to come back to the booth where we were working and ask for help. Dad said he did not want to ever have to call his wife to say he couldn't find the kid even temporarily.

I have given J very basic info. She knows our names, my cell phone and our address. She does NOT like it when people she doesn't know talk to her, to the point where I don't know how to talk to her about "Stranger Danger"