Sorry for the lousy video...I had to hide the camera on a shelf so she wouldn't see it. She gets quiet every time I get the camera out!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Our House Seems So Quiet
It's been a VERY busy few weeks! The day Granny and Poppy left, we walked for Caroline in the MS Walk. Her team, Wearing Red Shoes was the top fundraiser...we raised over $12,000 for MS research! The walk was so much fun. Marlee was a bit grumpy because she wanted to walk, not ride, but we had great weather, great company, and a great cause...what more could you want!
The next day Grandma Cathy arrived for her visit, and Auntie Karen flew in two days later. Marlee took to both of them's like she knows who the important people in her life are. We had a very busy week playing and visiting. The week flew by, and now everyone has gone home. The house seems oddly quiet!
I slacked on the picture taking, but I know my mom has some, so I'll post them soon!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Earth Day and Birthday
Happy Earth Day everyone! Make a change and do something good for the planet today...and every day that follows.
Happy 20th birthday, Alexander! You're not a teenager anymore!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
16 week check up today, and all is good. Nothing exciting to report, so here's a bump picture :)

I did post lots of fun stuff today, so keep on scrollin' down!
We went to the zoo a couple of weeks ago. Most of the pictures look about the same as the last trip, but there is a new exhibit...Parakeet Adventure!

Feeding with a seed stick.

An interview with Marlee about the zoo
Me: Marlee, did you like the zoo?
MJ: Uh Huh!
Me: What did you see?
MJ: A elephants.
Me: What else?
MJ: 'Mingos
Me: And?
MJ: Da Birds!
Me: What were the birds doing? (trying to get her to talk about feeding them)
MJ: Dey flyin', Mommy!
Me: What else did you do?
MJ: Bye zhoo!
Monday, April 13, 2009
If you haven't shopped on, I highly recommend exploring the site. I have purchased so much from there, and it's my go-to source when I need something new or for gifts. Everything is handmade, so each purchase supports a craftsperson. I really needed to show off Marlee's newest dresses. These aren't great pictures, but you get the idea! You just can't buy this kind of cuteness at the mall! [please excuse the disheveled model and lunch dishes :)]

Marlee has started counting! She'll count up to four without help, and she can get to ten with some help. For example, if she gets to four, and I say, "five," she'll say, "six, seven." Then I might have to help with eight, she'll get nine, etc.
I'm so totally impressed. I didn't really teach her this. She must have just picked it up from the counting books she has. I'm going to work on a video today. Problem is, every time I get out the camera, she wants to play with it and stops doing whatever we're doing. Maybe I'll just set it on a table or something.
Easter pics and more soon. I need to find the stinkin' camera cord. Again.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
What's Cookin'?
I've added a poll on the left so that you can place you bets as to what flavor baby I'm cooking! Remember, we got an early prediction that there's an 80% chance it's a girl, but we also know Slim is good at defying odds.
What do you think? Pink or Blue?
Monday, April 6, 2009
Here, Mommy!
Last night, we had dinner with Grandpa, Mimi, Uncle Casey, Auntie Jessie, and baby Riley. Marlee had a great time and loved Riley. We got home a bit late, so we skipped bath and got ready to go straight to bed.
As I was changing MJ into her pjs, and she handed me something and said, "Here, Mommy!" I didnt' see anything, so I assumed we were playing pretend.
Me: Thanks, Marlee! What is it?
MJ: Bogey.
Me: Bogey's asleep in his crate with Sweet Pea.
MJ: [Picks her nose and grins] No, Mommy, BOOGEY!
Me: [Trying to keep a straight face] Here's a hankie. Use that, then we'll wash you hands. [Not very well supressed giggle]
She's had a bit of a runny, crusty nose for a few days, and I clean it every time I change her diaper saying, "You have boogeys, and I need to clean them out so you can breathe." I guess she decided this was something she could do herself, and I should be proud.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Here's Something About Marlee
Just a little update on our little girl :)
Marlee is growing up so fast. Every day she seems older. She's speaking in sentences more and more. For example, yesterday Michael asked her if she was going to eat any more breakfast. Two weeks ago, she would have just said, "no." Instead, she said, "No, Daddy. I'm finished!" She's learning her colors and can usually identify blue, pink, red, green, and yellow. She can also point out her name when it's written on a paper with several other words.
She has her first chores around the house...taking care of the animals. She feeds them and gives them water. Unfortunately, George is on a bit of a diet, and she wants to feed him anytime the bowl is empty. It's hard to argue with "Mommy, Shushy food! Shushy hungry!" When George needs to go outside, she waits just inside the door for him to come back then closes the door. If he's taking to long, she calls for's super cute. She puts George in his kennel with a treat when we're leaving the house...she's a big help. :)
A funny story: In the past few months, we've been eating more fast food than usual. My morning sickness makes me not want to cook, and I often can't even think about food until I'm starving. We usually make Marlee something at home, but she snacks on a couple french fries on the way home. A few days ago, we went to the drive through, and as soon as the guy handed me the bag, Marlee says, "Fries!" It happened again last night, only it was at El Pollo Loco, and I didn't have fries. The whole way home, "Fries! Fries! Fries!" I kept telling her there were no fries, but it was like she was saying, "I know we just went in the drive can't fool me...gimme the fries!"
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