Thursday, November 6, 2008

Part Two: Heading North

[scroll down for part one]

Ten days into our trip, Marlee and I flew up to San Fransisco to visit family. We stayed with my Grandma Lois, but got to visit with the DeVos side of the family too. We even got to visit Poppy on his 80th birthday!

Playing in Great-Grandma's yard...Just like Mommy did at my age!
Silly Uncle Keith

Great-Granny and Cousin Catrina


Michael joined us after his last day of work. Unfortunately, he wasn't feeling very well, so we didn't do much. By the time we flew home, he was sick.

**forgot to mention: When we got to SF, the airline had left our gate-checked stroller behind. What is up with that?


Bird's Eye View Photography said...

Oh I just LOVE Granny & Poppy!! They do not look like they have aged at ALL since I met you!

Jennifer said...

what a trip! i don't know how you kept your stress level in check..i don't think i would've handled those 'bumps in the road' very well.
mj is getting some hair! no more skullet for her! :) what a cutie!