Friday, November 21, 2008

Let's Talk About Sleep

I realized that I don't really mention Marlee's sleep habits much here, and because I'm using this blog as a sort of baby book, I felt I really should.

Marlee is wonderful about going to bed...for naps and at night. We talk about naptime/bedtime and go into her room. She turns off her light, and I turn on her white noise machine. I sing her a song and put her in her crib and walk away. A few minutes later she's asleep. It's wonderful, and it's been this way since she was about six months old.


at nearly 15 months, she doesn't sleep through the night. She's done it twice I think (8+ hours), and both times were around 4-6 months. She wakes up around midnight and cries for three minutes or so and goes back to sleep. Then she's up between 2:00 and 4:30 and comes into bed with us. It's really not that bad, and I'm kind of used to it. We love having her in the bed. As soon as she comes in, she snuggles up and goes right back to sleep. Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to sleep for 8 hours without interruption. One day I'll find out, but I'm good for now.


Angela - 02.04 said...

Ava is nearly 4 and still wakes up midway through the night to come into bed with us. Nathaniel, meanwhile, i s a great sleeper and rarely wakes up before morning. I secretly like it when Ava comes to bed with us. She's such a sweet little snuggle-bunny.

Lori said...

That sounds like our routine lately. For about 2 months this is exactly what happens with Kate. She wakes up around 2:30 and ends up in the bed with us because I can't keep going up and down the stairs! She sleeps great snuggled between us! The problem is, I DON'T! I hear ever breath.

I think after the tubes and she starts feeling better we're gonna have to try a new routine, because I can't wait to have 8 hrs of uninterrupted sleep again!

Bird's Eye View Photography said...

Oh sounds like a learned sleep pattern to me! (Believe me, I wouldknow) But so glad that you got your 8 straight hours!! I hope that it continues! Sleep rocks!