Wednesday, September 3, 2008

A Picnic with Rosemary

We met Marlee's new friend Rosemary and her mommy, Angela, at the park for a picnic yesterday. Angela is a friend from high school. We were friends- but not close- in school. We re-connected on facebook to learn we have lots in common as adults and moms! Social networking is a cool thing.

It was funny to watch the girls together. Marlee petted Rosemary like a dog, and Rosemary looked at Marlee like she was nuts (understandably). They played near each other, but not really with each other. Marlee chewed on Rosemary's toys (sorry, Angela), and Rosemary tried to eat Marlee's sandwich. Rosemary sat nicely on the blanket, and Marlee rolled in the grass clippings. By the end of it all, Rosemary was tuckered out, and MJ was asleep, covered in grass clippings held in place with sticky cantaloupe juice.

Rosemary is the sweetest laid-back baby, and her mom is pretty cool too. Hopefully we can "play" again soon...Marlee wants to show Rosemary how to swing.

[I am kicking myself for not taking pictures...I even had my camera! Oh well, next time.]


Bird's Eye View Photography said...

oh how fun! It will be neat to see how they progress as friends. I just love seeing Zack & Ssam play now knowing that they have known eachother since they were in the womb!

Angela said...

Great post! :) We had so much fun. We will definitely do it again soon and actually get some pictures next time!!! ;)