Marlee has become quite the little collector. It started a month or so ago with her red wagon. She would put her favorite toys in it and push them around. Last week she got a Chick-Fil-A kids meal that came with a hollow opens and closes like a box. She loves to collect her most prized possessions (currently a piece of tissue paper, a finger puppet, and a chupa) and carry them around in this book. As I type this, I realize that the humor is not quite coming through. It's like...she'll find something..."OOH, what a nice piece of tissue. I should put this in my book box!" And there it stays for a couple of days until something is deemed more valuable and worthy of the space in the book. It's hysterical. She also picked up a seed-pod type thing outside (Michaels says it's called a gumball???), said, "OOOOH!" and carried it around for hours. It's so funny to watch her collect silly little treasures. One day I'm sure I'll find a bug in her pocket or something.
The Collector
Some TreasuresAn update on the "walking," since many have asked: If it's possible, she's less interested than ever. I believe we're moving backwards here. She took her first steps over a month ago, and I felt like walking would be close behind. Now I think she'll walk when she's seven.
Cool! She'll be walking about the time J is potty trained.
So I was perusing costco online tonight, and they sell bumkins 'packs' for about 90 bucks... and they have Dr. Seuss covers. Makes me want to have a baby.
That's adorable! Don't kids do the funniest things? Nathaniel likes to keep items under the sink of the play kitchen. We discovered this when the remote control had gone missing for several days.
Not to worry, both of my kids also started to walk, lost interest and then finally did. Trust me, the longer she crawls, the better off you are ;)
How did I miss this post?
Adorable about the collecting stuff!!
And uh-- Sam did not walk until he was 15 months.... no worries... she will when she is ready!
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