Saturday, November 17, 2007

Finally on the Mend

So Thursday I said MJ was sick...that was just the beginning. I decided that morning I'd skip a trip to the pedi. I knew that with a temp of just 101 or so, they'd tell me she had a cold/flu-type thing and send me on my way. Around 4pm, I gave her a dose of Tylenol and put her down for a nap. A couple of hours later, she woke up feeling HOT. The fever was just over 103. Because I had just given her Tylenol, I was concerned. I took her to a pediatric urgent care where they ran the gamut of tests. The even mentioned the possibility of a spinal tap...AGH! Fortunately, they decided it wasn't necessary because she has had her first round of immunizations. After multiple attempts to draw blood and a catheter to get a urine sample, we waited for results. Her white blood cells were high (fighting something!), but the doctor couldn't figure out what was wrong. She gave her a shot of broad-spectrum antibiotic and sent us home.

Friday we followed up with Dr. Jina. Marlee was doing much better, so the antibiotic shot was working. They still couldn't tell what it was working on, but it was working. Dr. Jina decided the shot was probably enough and chose not to prescribe continued antibiotics, which I appreciated. If only the shot had been enough...we woke up this morning with another fever. I took her back to the pedi, and the infection finally revealed the ears. I'm grateful it's not something worse. Now that we've got 10 days of Augmentin, Marlee's finally on the mend!


Mindy said...

Ugh... I'm so sorry she got so sick. One of the most vivid memories I have of Brandon as a baby is when he got sick and had to have blood drawn. You just want to protect your baby so much and it kills you when they are sick and in pain. Ear infections are tough. Marlee sounds like she's on the mend, so Yea! Hope everyone feels better soon!

Anonymous said...

i know all about the spinal tap (scariest thing EVER) so i'm glad you didn't have to go though that! hope y'all are feeling 100% soon!

Bird's Eye View Photography said...

Oh no-- ear infection already? It is so hard when they are sick that young... Sammy was in the hospital over night when he was 3 months-- it was the most aweful thing ever. I am glad that she is (and you) and recovering!

Melissa said...

Heads up on Augmentin.... horrid diapers. Seriously. Get plastic diaper covers. MJ needs to wear clothes that you aren't worried about messing up.

We don't let J's dr. prescribe it for her anymore.