Wednesday, September 26, 2007

My New Friend

On Monday, Marlee and I had a girls' day out. We've been out together several times, of course, but Monday was different. We went to Phipp's Plaza to run an errand and ended up spending the whole day hanging out together. She is suddenly more alert and interactive, and I enjoyed watching her take in all the sights around the mall. I took her to Tiffany's and showed her the sparkling diamonds. We went to a children's boutique and picked out a special gift for Pru. Then we went to a bookstore, and I bought a book to read her when we got home. By that time, I was starving and browsed the directory for places to eat. I saw the Nordstrom Bistro and knew that was our spot. I remember eating at Nordstrom on special shopping trips into San Francisco with my Granny and Mom. I sat Marlee in her seat across from me, and she cooed and talked while I ate my yummy lunch. I realized then that I don't just have a new baby, I have a DAUGHTER and a friend for life.


Bird's Eye View Photography said...

Oh I love that story! I love spending special time with each of the boys. It is even more amazing now that Henry can talk to me and we interact verbally. I used to feel alone when dan was out of town- when Henry was young- not any more!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful story. I know you are already a terrific mom and I cannot wait to meet MJ. XOXO

Grandma Cathy said...

...a DAUGHTER and a friend for life...

One of lifes greatest treasures!

I love you Renee and I adore my sweet little Grand Daughter!