Thursday, December 16, 2010

Pitching In

In an effort to keep our home neat and running smoothly--an effort that is so far failing, but an effort none the less--and to teach our kids responsibility, independence, and citizenship, each has her own chores.

Eloise's are pretty simple...

-diapers in the diaper pail
-dirty clothes in hamper
-put away silverware from the dishwasher
-brush teeth
-clear her dishes from the table

Marlee's are a bit more involved...

-self-care (dressing, teeth, hair, etc)
-setting table
-clearing her dishes
-feeding and watering George
-picking up toys (she's not very good at this, unfortunately. i get to distracted to always enforce. :()
-folding the dishtowels and rags we use in place of paper towels

Both girls love to help me when I clean...dusting, sweeping, washing baseboards, etc. Marlee loves to cook and is my designated sous chef.

I'm hoping that everyone's chores will become a habit, and I'll hear less, "Mommy will do it," which is often Marlee's response when Michael asks her to do something :(

What do your kids do to pitch in?

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Dare Devil and Sweet Moment

I realized that one of the things that's taking away from my blogging is Facebook. I used to post cute things the kids did here, but now I do it there. In an effort to get back to blogging, here's a bit of cute to brighten your day.

A few weeks ago, Eloise slipped on the wet dining room floor while I was mopping. Rather than crying, she thought it was hilarious. Now, every time I get out the mop, she giggles and comes running. She tiptoes around the room, holding her breath, until she slips and lands on her little tush. Then she cracks up laughing, gets up, and starts over.

This afternoon, the girls were watching a Christmas movie during their quiet time. I overheard Marlee say to Eloise, "This part is a bit scary. We should hug each other." Aw!