Eloise's are pretty simple...
-diapers in the diaper pail
-dirty clothes in hamper
-put away silverware from the dishwasher
-brush teeth
-clear her dishes from the table
Marlee's are a bit more involved...
-self-care (dressing, teeth, hair, etc)
-setting table
-clearing her dishes
-feeding and watering George
-picking up toys (she's not very good at this, unfortunately. i get to distracted to always enforce. :()
-folding the dishtowels and rags we use in place of paper towels
Both girls love to help me when I clean...dusting, sweeping, washing baseboards, etc. Marlee loves to cook and is my designated sous chef.
I'm hoping that everyone's chores will become a habit, and I'll hear less, "Mommy will do it," which is often Marlee's response when Michael asks her to do something :(
What do your kids do to pitch in?