Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day Weekend

I had such a wonderful weekend with my family! On Saturday, we met my mom, Alexander, Jenna, and JD for breakfast. When we got home, we spent some time working in our yard and on our new gardens. After lunch, we went out to get one of my gifts...a clean car! My car got the VIP treatment inside and out. It's SO NICE. While we waited for the car we visited a nearby toy store. Marlee fell in love with a doll car seat, so my eyes are now peeled for one while I consignment shop. We got home in time for me to take a quick shower and head out to celebrate a friend's 30th birthday. I so rarely go out on my was wonderful to be able to have a couple of drinks and hang out knowing my girls were happily spending time with their daddy.

On Sunday we went out the breakfast again, this time just our little family. Then I went to see a movie by myself. I saw the documentary "Babies." I'd been looking forward to its release for months, and it lived up to my expectations! I got home during rest time, so Michael and I got to watch a movie and eat some lunch together. After that, my wonderful husband sent me out of the house and cleaned a bit for me! All in all, it was a great weekend with the perfect balance of family time and me time.

I hope all the moms out there had a wonderful weekend too!


ko-exley said...

Glad you had such a nice weekend. Check e-bay for the doll car seats - they have TONS! :)

Bird's Eye View Photography said...

How wonderful! Your weekend sounds PERFECT!