Friday, January 29, 2010

Potty Quandry

We've been working on potty training with Marlee since before Christmas. While she definitely understood the concept, she just wasn't in to it. If i put her in underwear, she didn't have accidents, she just held it all morning until she had a diaper on for nap. Realizing that this wasn't working (or healthy for that matter), we decided to hold off for a while. That said, she still enjoyed being diaperless for a while each day.

Well, Wednesday night, Marlee decided she is potty trained. She was playing with Michael in her room, said she needed to go...and did. Since then, she has used the potty consistently for ALL her business, with only one accident in the last 36 hours. Hey, she's a girl that does things on her own terms.

"Fantastic!" you say? Well yes...mostly. Problem is, we're getting on a plane in the morning to visit Kacey and the ma-unchkins in Virginia. And Marlee says she doesn't need diapers anymore. I'm still debating how I'm going to handle the whole flight and staying away from home thing. I think a diaper on the plane is a must. Hopefully she's be okay with using Pruett's potty. We'll see how it goes!


Bird's Eye View Photography said...

Oh I hope that is goes smooth! Travel safe!

Melissa said...

J was thisclose to being potty trained when we moved. 10 hours in the car and I was convinced she was going to have an accident. So I put her in pull ups for the car ride. I just explained to her that just in case *I* couldn't get her to the potty in time, she would wear the pull ups for the car only. She did a great job of staying dry. I bet Marlee will surprise you!!