Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Last week, the lower elementary students at Marlee's school held a bake sale to raise money for Haiti relief. I volunteered to help work the sale, but the kids did EVERYTHING. They passed out fliers; they made posters; they priced the homemade goodies; they operated the cash box. I was so impressed.

When Marlee's class let out, Papa (who was having lunch with us that day) allowed her to pick a treat to buy. She chose a bag with three mini banana nut muffins. She had one right then, with the understanding that the rest were for after lunch.

We went to M0e's for lunch. Marlee ate her burrito and another muffin for dessert. Then we took Papa home. On the way back to our house, she asked for another muffin. I told her they were all gone. She said

No, Mommy! I had one at school and one at Moe's. There is one more muffin!


Bird's Eye View Photography said...

Ha! There is no trucking that one, esp. when it is involving food!

Meghan said...

Adorable and Smart- you better look out for her ;)