Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Funny Things Marlee Said Today

1. We went to the mall to ride the carousel and play on the indoor playground. She was getting tired and came over to where I was sitting, and put her head in my lap. Suddenly, she starts looking around.

MJ: Oh no! Mommy, where your purse? (this is fairly new...two weeks ago, she would have said, "Where mommy's purse?" She's getting much better at pronouns.)
Me: It's right here!
She starts digging through it.
Me: What are you looking for?
MJ: My blue shushy (pacifier).
Me: I didn't bring it.
MJ: I NEED it. I'm SO tired.

2. On our way home, we drove through Chick-Fil-A to get lunch for Michael. The guy asks if he can take our order, and Marlee yells from her seat,

I like fries, please!

I try to go on with my order, but she says repeatedly,

And fries! I like fries, PLEASE!

3. She was playing her favorite new computer game, and finds Y for yak.

Me: Yak? What's a yak?
MJ: A yak is like a cow, mommy.

Silly me.


Bird's Eye View Photography said...

LMAO! I love the sushi story! To cute! And I can SO here her asking for those fries!

Melissa said...

Every time I go to the bank window, Julianna yells that she wants chocolate milk.

The Yak story just cracks me up.