Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Thanksgiving and Beyond

Hi, everyone! I've been a little out of touch because I've been without a laptop finally bit the dust. I'll try to catch you up a bit, but I don't have pictures now...I'll post those as soon as I can.

The latest excitment started Wednesday. I woke up in the morning prepared to put the finishing touches on the house before Kacey, Chris, and Pruett arrived for Thanksgiving. My back was sore and I had a sharp pain in my stomach and a bit of nausea, so I called my mom to see if she could come over and help me. By noon, the pain was so bad that I could barely walk, and every time I stood up I felt like I was being stabbed. I called Michael in from work and told him I thought I needed to go to the emergency room. After hours in the hospital and lots of inconclusive tests, the doctor decided I most likely have an ulcer and referred me to a GI specialist. While I was still in the hospital, Michael had to leave to pick up the Mas at the airport. By the time they all got back to the house, I had had some meds and was feeling a bit better. It's still bothering me a bunch, but I can't see the specialist until the 15th. Blurg.

Thanksgiving day was wonderful. We got up early, and my mom came over to watch MJ and Pru. Michael, Chris, Kacey and I went to the church to pack and deliver meals on wheels. We found out that they were set for packers, so we went to Waffle House and returned to deliver. We brought Thanksgiving dinners to 10 families. When we got home, the boys watched football while Kacey and I started cooking. We pulled the turkey out of the brine only to be knocked over by the smell of eggs...the turkey had gone bad. We smelled this when we put it in the brine, but thought it might just be from the pre-packaged brine and that it would go away with a rinse and new brine. We were wrong. So Michael and Chris ran to Kroger and returned with two chickens. We roasted them like turkey, and the result was almost as good. Fortunately, Thanksgiving isn't all about the turkey...we were able to share it with people we love, and it was great. We spent the rest of the weekend just hanging felt like old times.

Marlee and Pru were cute together. MJ is such a peanut, but Pru is even peanuttier...she makes Marlee look big! Pruett was so sweet the whole weekend...Marlee was another story. She is cutting 4 teeth, two of which are molars, so she was a bit of a crab. She finally started to come around on Saturday. I think she misses Pru. On Monday morning she walked into each room of the house calling "Puuuuuuuuuuuuuu! Puuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!" We miss Chris and Kacey Marlee knows the feeling.

Marlee has really changed a lot in the past weeks. She is so smart :). You can give her a pretty complex command, like "Go into your room, get your crayons, and bring them to Daddy," and she does it. She can also point out her (or your) body parts (head, hair, eyes, nose, ear, mouth, teeth, shoulders, hands, knees, toes). Her animal noises are getting better and better (dog, cat, cow, owl, sheep, duck, lion, "gorilla"). I'm trying to get her to say Santa says HO HO HO, but she's not feeling it. She's also picked up some new gestures, like shrugging her shoulders (complete with hands by ears, palms up), nodding, and shaking her head. I think it's funny, because I didn't teach her. I must do those things more than I realize. Oh, and Tuesday she ate an entire bowl of oatmeal with a spoon. She's been using a spoon and fork for a couple of months now, but her hand inevitably ends up helping. So an entire breakfast with no hands was an accomplishment!

Cute story: Yesterday I had her on the floor in the bathroom playing with her bath toys while I got ready. I look down at her, and she had gotten her soap pump down from the bathtub, pumped some into her hand, and was "washing" her hair! I told Michael about it so he let her help at bathtime that night. She was so cute washing her hair and face...but I don't think I'm ready for that kind of independence!

Speaking of hair, she had her first haircut yesterday! Just a bit off the front so that it doesn't get in her eyes. She held still and didn't fuss a bit.

Pictures coming soon, I promise!


Anonymous said...

Peace be with you

Bird's Eye View Photography said...

So what was the pain?

Oh I cannot wait to see pictures!!

Laura said...

I'm glad you're feeling a little better. I hope the GI specialist can figure all of this out for you!

Jennifer said...

oh gosh, what a way to get ready for thanksgiving. i'm so sorry, but glad you're feeling better now.
marlee is picking up on things at a fast & furious and scary at the same time!!

Melissa said...

How are you feeling now?

pexley said...

Sorry you are under the weather. I hope you are feeling better! -K

Bird's Eye View Photography said...

ok miss thang.... get to posty posting some pictures... I am going through marlee withdrawl!!