Saturday, August 23, 2008

Good Night My Someone

I just put Marlee to bed for the last night before she turns one. As I sang her her lullaby for the 366th time (leap year!), I got a little teary-eyed. I'm not sure if she noticed a quiver in my voice or just sensed my emotions, but she squeezed a little tighter and pat my back.

At this time a year ago, Michael called to tell me he was on his way home from a meeting. His mom had just left, and I told him I had been feeling some contractions. I had been having them on and off for weeks, but I joked, "You never know. Tonight could be the night!" And it was. It was the night...and the following day that changed my life forever. And for so much better.

I am so in love with my baby girl and so proud of her. She's sweet, silly, and smart. Truly a bundle of joy. Who knew I could love so much?

Here are 12 things about Marlee at 12 months:

1. Walking? That's the question on everyone's mind. I dunno. Maybe she is. I think not quite. She'll take a few steps, but I'm waiting to call it walking until she can cross a room.

2. Talking...oh yes. She has quite the little vocabulary. The most recent addition is "fish."

3. She makes animal sounds and will answer, "What does the doggy say?" She can also do kitty, and best of all, beats her (or your) chest with fists when asked what the gorilla says.

4. Smarty pants can identify pictures in a book...mostly animals. She'll point to dogs, cats, cows, chinchillas (yes, chinchillas), gorillas and more when you ask her to find them. She can also identify lots of real life items. Some she had down months ago (chupa, shoe, book, cup), but now she's branching out (banana, red fox, baby).

5. She's a great eater! Her favorite foods are blueberries, mac n cheese and saffron rice with black beans, but she'll eat just about anything.

6. She's still a signing machine and goes a bit overboard with the sign for "more."

7. She can sort items (we use wooden beads) by color (two colors, but not yet three).

8. She has two full teeth and four partials.

9. She always wants to be a helper. First it was unloading the dishwasher. Now its flushing the toilet.

10. She LOVES to read and be read to. She'll hand you a book, then climb into your lap and wait for you to get the hint.

11. She has not only masted the art of climbing up onto furniture, but can finally also get down. It's adorable to watch her scoot to the edge of the bed, lie on her belly, and lower her feet down.

12. She is the greatest, most wonderful, fabulousiest baby in the least in my book.

Happy Birthday My Someone!


Anonymous said...

Marlee is so very wonderful. But you Renee, were the most "fabulousiest" baby in the whole world. I so enjoy hearing how much you enjoy being the mother of such a wonderful baby!!!! I miss being there but I am so thankful for the internet! Grandma Cathy

Bird's Eye View Photography said...

She is a smarty, but look at her parents... I knew she would be brilliant!