Tuesday, April 12, 2011

It Starts

My sweet sweet Marlee June had her feelings hurt. And it hurt me. Like physically hurt me.

She was quiet in the car the other day. She is rarely quiet in the car. Suddenly she says, fighting back tears, "Nobody ever picks me for napkins."

"What, Baby?"

"On birthdays. Nobody ever picks me."

Turns out that when a child in her class is having a birthday celebration, he or she chooses a friend to pass out the napkins to go with the birthday muffins. And no one ever picks Marlee. Heartbreak.

I told her that they probably didn't know how much she wanted to do the napkins. This apparently sparked a conversation with her friend Maya, whose birthday is this week.

"I asked Maya that may I pass out her napkins because we are favorite friends and she said I could."

Oh, Maya, please remember your promise and choose Marlee on Thursday.

**UPDATE: It was Tuesday, not Thursday, and Maya chose Campbell. Tears at carpool :(


Christine said...

That is so sad, I hate it for her. It stinks getting your feelings hurt no matter what age you are...it just stinks more that she is so little and is already finding that out. Hope it goes well Thursday. :)
p.s. glad you are posting again, I've missed it!

Nanny said...

Hurts me, too:(

Bird's Eye View Photography said...

Oh gosh, do I know how badly it hurts when our babies feelings are hurt. I mean I feel it in my toes i hurt so badly. It is so hard to let them go through these emotions and not want to block out every bad little feeling they have!