Friday, September 11, 2009


Conversation that took place in the car on the way home from school:

MJ: I need a snack before nap.
Me: Okay, what would you like? How about some fruit?
MJ: Cherries, please.
Me: We are out of cherries. We have apples and bananas.
MJ: I want green grapes.
Me: Marlee, we have apples and bananas.
MJ: Do we have oranges?
Me: Sigh. No, sweetie.
MJ: Mommy?
Me: Yes?
MJ: You need to go shopping.

When we pulled in the driveway, she said, "I'll have an apple. We don't have any oranges."


Melissa said...

I'm so glad that someone else feels my pain with the smarty pants small children.

Christine said...

AWESOME- she's a character! ;)

Bird's Eye View Photography said...

I love it. How DO you keep from laughing? Oh I know... you don't.