Thursday, January 8, 2009

E for Effort

I introduced the potty few months ago, and Marlee has been potty-learning.  Basically, we're just getting used to having a potty in the bathroom, talking about what it's for, and occasionally sitting on it.  She's peed in it a couple of times, and even pooped once, just because I caught her in the nick of time. 

Today I was emptying the dishwasher when I heard her in the bathroom.  I went in, and she was sitting on the potty, fully clothed, cleary concentrating on her business.  I said, "Marlee, are you pooping?"  She nodded, then clapped her hands and said, "Yay!"


Bird's Eye View Photography said...

oh that is too cute! Now you have to teach her how to tell you before she heads in there and you will be home free!

Angela said...

that is hilarious! i'm excited about her progress though! it definitely gives me confidence that i don't have to wait until rosemary is 3 to start her potty-training, like a lot of my friends seem to be doing. how old was she when you first started the "potty-learning" process?

Lori said...

lol - that's so cute. She's always so advanced!

pexley said...

Liam has had his potty in the bathroom for a few months now, but no "business" has been done. Not a drop. It's still spic & span, which is a good thing, because he puts his stuffed lamb into the little potty and points at it and tells it to "POO POO." "POO POO!". -K

Melissa said...

OMG that's too funny. J's almost got it together in the potty department. Thank goodness.

Do you have a little potty or the little seat that goes inside the potty?

Jennifer said...

um, hilarious.

what a talented little girl. ;)