Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Parent-Teacher Conferences

Seriously. I have GOT to get better about posting here. I fill my facebook feed with sweet pictures of the girls, funny things they've said, and tales of recent accomplishments. From there, my memories disappear into e-blivion. :(

Michael and I had parent-teacher conferences at the girls' school today. Marlee is in her Second Year Primary, and Eloise is in the Toddler Community in Montessori school. Both conferences went well. We really didn't have any concerns about Eloise, and her teacher confirmed that she is doing really well. No separation problems, socializes well, participates and works. If anything, she needs to be attending more, so we will be moving her to three mornings in January. She also said that Eloise "holds her own" and "doesn't let anyone mess with her." Ha! No surprise there.

We did have some minor concerns about Marlee, but they were mostly put to rest. Our main concern was that she seems to have plateaued when it comes to reading. She has been reading for over a year, but she doesn't seem much more advanced now than when she was three. She says she doesn't like practicing the Moveable Alphabet, which is the work for her age that promotes phonics. I was frustrated. Then I learned that in true Montessori fashion, her reading is at a standstill (though by no means behind) because she is interested in and focusing on math works. She has mastered the binomial cube and is practicing the trinomial. She has mastered number rods and will start gold beads next week. Her teacher told us that Marlee is so advanced that she is considering inviting her to join the Third Years in the afternoon work cycle (normally reserved for kindergarteners) beginning in January. However, Marlee will have to do some maturing. Right now, she often has to be reminded to choose works, and is quite chatty during work cycle with her two best friends (the three of them are the self-dubbed "Sparkle Team.") I'm not really concerned or eager to have her stay the full day. She'll most likely just start next year as normal. Still, it's nice to hear how well she's doing...even if she is a bit distracted!

We left the school feeling awfully proud of our girls, and as always, thrilled with Montessori. I'm still waiting for that windfall that will allow us to keep the girls in their school through elementary :)