Hello W Friends and Family! I realize that I owe you a ton of back posting (10 and 11 month pictures, anyone?), but that could take a while. So I'm going to start with a long "here's-what-we're-doing-now" update.
Starting with the tiny one.
Our littlest family member has grown by leaps and bounds, as children tend to do. She's still a little peanut, and her petite frame and full head of long hair often stump strangers trying to guess her age. She's cruising furniture and standing without support but doesn't really show signs of walking. She has a lot to say, but we can only understand a little of it...mainly "mama" and "dada." She is quite the artist, and will take any opportunity to crawl back to the playroom and paint on the easel. So far, she's pretty good about aiming for the paper. More than painting, Weezy LOVES to dance. The second she hears the beat, she starts moving. Adorable.
For starters, Marlee June is THREE! It's so hard to believe. I can still close my eyes and remember her birth day like yesterday. She just started another school year and is now a First Year student at her Montessori school. Dropping her off is a bit painful, but she's grinning when I pick her up and full of stories from the day. Marlee's favorite pastimes include art, dancing in the car, and imaginary play. She even has several imaginary friends that pop up here and there. She plays really well with her sister, which is great for all of us!
I am busy. There's just no other way to put it. In addition to my primary job as MJ and E's mom, I have my volunteer stuff (Parent Association Secretary/Treasurer and Community Service Chair, Meals on Wheels), and my paying job(s) with A L@b0r of L0ve. I am now taking two birth clients a month as a doula. I am on call for each one for four weeks, meaning I am pretty much on call for 1-3 mothers-to-be at any given time. By the time Thanksgiving rolls around, I will have been on call for 15 weeks without a day off. In addition to attending births, I'm working with my company as an educator, teaching specialty classes. I've also begun taking clients as a post-partum doula. This means that I work with a mother and her newborn, doing whatever it is she needs me to do. I teach her newborn care basics, assist with breastfeeding, demonstrate babywearing, cook meals, do housework, play with the baby while mom showers...anything. To top it off, I'm attending training this weekend to become a certified Dancing for Birth instructor (think prenatal yoga, only with more movement), so I'll begin teaching weekly classes for that as well. I think it's a perfect fit for me, being a labor doula and former dance teacher! Are you tired from reading that? Writing it sure wore me out. So you'll please forgive me for my lack of blogging and my currently messy house :)
Michael is amazing. When I get caught up in taking care of my kids and other moms, Michael always takes care of me. He takes the girls for a walk so that I can get some things done around the house, or he does them for me so I can take a hot bath. He supports my work outside the house and appreciates my work at home. What can I say? Every girl should be so lucky.
His still new-ish job is going really well. The company is so great. The benefits are unheard of, at least to us, as M has always worked for start-ups, which are not exactly known for taking care of employees. Some of the perks we've enjoyed so far (beyond the awesome health insurance and generous savings plans) include tickets to Braves games and discounts at movie theaters. Another benefit the company offers is back-up childcare at their on-site daycare for just $25 per family. I am looking into this now as an option for when I get called to a birth on a workday.
So, that's what's going on with the W Family. More posts and pictures to come.